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The Proctors

Cheju, South Korea

The Proctor Family: Brian, Kathy, Hannah, Caroline

(Right to left, beginning in back)
Brian (Birthday: February 11)
Kathy (Birthday: January 15)
Hannah (Birthday: March 8, 1991)
Caroline (Birthday: September 15, 1992)

Mail: The Proctors
c/o Korea Baptist Mission
Yoido PO Box 165
Seoul, South Korea

Map of South Korea
Cheju, South Korea:
Cheju is a large volcanic island located approximately 70 miles off the southwest coast of mainland Korea. Over 600,000 people live there. Most of the people are Buddhist or believe that spirits control their lives (shamanism). Approximately five percent are Christians.

Their Work:
The Proctors believe that God wants them to work with the seven Baptist churches on Cheju to share the Good News about Jesus Christ. They hope to join with Korean Christians to start evangelistic Bible studies and Baptist Student Union groups on the Cheju college campuses.

Specific Prayer:
Professor Kang's salvation
Moving to Cheju
Korea Baptist Mission
Learning to speak Korean

For more specific and up-to-date prayer information,
visit the Proctors' webpage.

Return to Calvary Fellowship's Missionary Page.

Calvary Fellowship
Dr. Brett Dutton, Pastor
1001 Pineloch Drive, Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77062
Phone: 281-480-0495
Fax: 281-480-7906

This page was last modified on 4/23/00 lkl.