MissionsPray · Give · GoWe believe that when the Lord Jesus Christ said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20), He included all of us in that command. And when the risen Christ said, "You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth" (Acts l:8), He intended that the Calvary family assume the responsibility to take the Good News everywhere that salvation, and forgiveness of sin, is available to anyone who will repent, believe, and confess Him as Savior and Lord. We at Calvary care that a great many of our neighbors do not know Jesus Christ as personal Savior. We at Calvary care that our own country has now become one of the greatest mission fields in the world, because of the unbelief of so many Americans. We at Calvary care that in our world, where more than six billion people now live, more people than not have not even heard of Jesus Christ, much less have come to know him as personal Savior. Calvary, therefore, believes in missions, and takes seriously our responsibility to "do" missions, by going, by missions giving, and by praying for missions. We at Calvary believe we're not yet where we ought to be, in these categories of mission action, but we want to be where we ought to be. We have not yet "arrived", in other words, at where we want to be. We therefore invite others to join us in helping to make Calvary a great sending church, a great giving church, and a great praying church, with the goal that Christ may be made known "to the ends of the earth".
PrayPraying for missions means praying for missionaries, praying for people who don't know Christ yet, and praying that God would show you how you can participate in His work.Please pray for our missionaries regularly. Some people find it helpful to pray for a different missionary family each day or each week. Missionaries also appreciate letters, e-mail, and packages from the U.S. For more information about the prayer needs of Southern Baptist international missionaries, please visit the International Mission Board Prayer Line website, or call 1-800-866-3621 to subscribe to the Global PrayerGram. For information about mission prayer needs in North American, visit the North American Missions Prayer Line website. Both websites provide the option of having prayer requests sent to you regularly by e-mail.
GiveAs Southern Baptists, we cooperate with other Southern Baptist churches to send missionaries out to places where they are needed. All the cooperating churches pool their resources, and missions work is supported from that pool. That pool is called the Cooperative Program, and it is used to support the work that Southern Baptists do as a group, including missions. Calvary Fellowship contributes to the Cooperative Program as a church.You can contribute to missions individually as well. You can mark your contribution for a specific mission need, either an international need or a need in North America. Also, two special offerings are taken up in Southern Baptist churches each year to support missions. The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goes entirely to support International Missions. The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering goes entirely to support North American Missions.
GoGod calls each of us to participate actively in missions. Even if we never leave this city, we come into contact every day with people who don't know who Jesus Christ is or who have not yet accepted His free gift of salvation. Part of going "into all the world" means reaching out to the people God has already put in our lives.God may also call you to participate in missions by going somewhere else, maybe for a short time or maybe for many years. You can visit the International Mission Board site to learn about short- and long-term missions opportunities internationally, or you can visit the North American Mission Board site to learn about short- and long-term missions opportunities in North America.
I'm a Missionary's HelperTo the tune of "I've Been Working on the Railroad"
I'm a missionary's helper,
Calvary Fellowship
This page was last modified on 4/23/00 lkl. |