Prayer MinistryPrayer Opportunities · Prayer Requests · Prayer ResourcesGod, in His graciousness, provides each of us with the means for communicating with Him directly. Through prayer, we can talk to God and know that He hears us and answers us. Prayer provides the means for us to learn to know God better and also to participate with God in the work that He is doing. Through prayer, we learn to know God better because we are spending time with Him. During prayer, we should talk to God, sharing our joys and our concerns, telling Him how much we love Him and why, asking Him questions. We should also listen to God. We can spend part of our prayer time reading the Bible, asking God to show us the truths we need to see. We can also spend time in prayer just being quiet or meditating on one particular verse or passage of scripture. Through prayer, we are able to participate with God in the work that He is doing. God is always at work in the world. He has chosen to allow us to participate in His work, if we are willing to follow His guidance. When we pray, we can ask God to show us where He is working and how we can participate. We may become aware of a need that we can address physically, or we may become aware of a need that we can pray for. God expects us to pray for our own needs and the needs of others, and He promises to answer those prayers (although the answer is not always "yes"). The Prayer Ministry at Calvary Fellowship provides resources, guidance, and opportunities for prayer. The more we seek the face of God through prayer, the more we will see God at work among us.
Prayer Opportunities5:3 Tribe![]() In order to continue becoming more and more like Christ, which is what God has commanded us to do, it is vital that we pray all the time. We encourage Christians to develop the habit of setting aside a time for prayer every day, in addition to learning to maintain a spirit of prayer at all times. To make your daily prayer time more effective, we can recommend several resources.
Prayer TeamThe Prayer Team is a group of people who have committed to spend at least 20 minutes a week, divided in any way they choose, praying for the needs of our church. Prayer requests that are submitted to the church are distributed to the Prayer Team for prayer. Each group of people serves for a four-month term. The Prayer Team has no meetings. For more information about the Prayer Team, contact the Prayer Ministry.
Prayer GroupsThroughout the Bible, God encourages us to join together in prayer as a group. On Thursday nights at 6:30 at the church office, we meet for a time of group prayer. Anyone is welcome to join us. During the week, the people who regularly attend this time of prayer are also using other resources to help them learn to pray more effectively in a group. If you are interested in using these resources, please contact the Prayer Ministry.
Prayer GatheringOn the first Sunday of every month we meet as a church at 5:30 in the church office for a time of group prayer.
Prayer RequestsTo request prayer, please email our interim pastor, Brian Horner. Please let us know whether you would like your request to be prayed for by the pastor only, by the Prayer Team only, or by the entire congregation. Requests made to the entire congregation may be printed in the bulletin. It is an encouragement to us if you let us know when the prayer is answered. If prayer is still needed after 30 days, please submit your request again as a reminder to us to continue praying.
Prayer ResourcesMany different books on the subject of prayer are available in the lending library. In addition, we would recommend these particular resources:
Calvary Fellowship
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